jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010

14 de julio

Today, catorce de julio,
a man kissed a woman in the rain.
On the corner of Independencia y Cinco de mayo.
A man kissed a woman.

Because it is Friday.
Because no one has to go to work tomorrow.
Because, in direct opposition to Church and State,
a man kiseed a woman
oblivious to the consequence of sorrow.

A man kisses a woman unashamed,
within a universe of two I’m certain.
Beside the sea of taxicabs on Cinco de mayo,
In front of an open-air statue.
On an intersection busy with tourists and children.
Every day little miracles like this occur.

A man kisses a woman in the rain
and I am envious of that simple affirmation.
I who timidly took and timidly gave -
you who never admitted a public grace.
We of the half-dark who were unbrave.

Sandra Cisneros

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